Horoscope for the week of October 9, 2023

This week, the Moon wanes through the signs of Leo and Virgo, and we get a New Moon in Libra. Take this as an invitation to clear away any unfinished tasks, projects, or “old business” early in the week.

Astrological chart for the week of October 9, 2023.

And speaking of that New Moon…it’s actually an eclipse! Specifically, it’s what we call an annular solar eclipse. This means it won’t be a total eclipse of the Sun, but if you live in the Southwestern United States or parts of the Gulf Coast, you’ll probably see something. NASA has an excellent page on their website which explains the astronomy of this particular eclipse, and it’s well worth reading.

As for the astrology of eclipses, the bottom line is that they tend to be disruptive. Disruption isn’t intrinsically bad or good, just highly unpredictable and unstable. Traditionally, eclipses are Bad Times for magic, or initiating new things in general. This is especially true if you live in an area where the eclipse will be visible, so definitely check out that link above to see if the shadow will fall on you.

In other news, Venus starts her run through Virgo this week, which is less than awesome. Virgo is the sign of Venus’s fall, so her energies tend to manifest tentatively and unpredictably. This will probably be more noticeable in the evenings, but plan to deal with an “unsteady” or “inappropriate” Venus for the next few weeks.

Mars enters Scorpio on Thursday, which should give everyone a much-needed boost of energy. If the last few months have left you feeling like you were just spinning your wheels, this should be a very welcome situation.

Below, you’ll find your horoscope listed by sign. As always, you can use your Sun sign for this, but your rising sign usually works out better for these sorts of things. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can use Astro.com to create a chart and figure it out. Hint: it’s the sign where you find your “Ascendant.”


Plan on this week being an odd mix of emotions. Relationships might demand most of your attention early in the week, but by the weekend your thoughts may be turning to debts, joint finances, or other sources of anxiety. If you can, try to focus on yourself, and let go of any unhealthy habits you may have picked up.


A health issue might steal the spotlight this week, but if you’ve been taking care of yourself it shouldn’t cause any serious issues. This weekend is an excellent time for getting together with a close partner, or indulging in other pleasure and games, but try to keep the conversation light and fun.


If you’ve been overindulging on one or more fronts, this might be a week of reckoning. It’s not a great week to join a gym or start a whole new diet, but it is a good week to drop unhealthy things from your life, and to start thinking more critically about your well-being. It’s also a good time to think about where you’re going career-wise, and whether or not some additional education or “up-skilling” might open new doors.


If you have a lot of serious work or obligations to attend to, get them done as early in the week as possible. Unexpected disruptions might be hitting you in the latter half of the week, and by the weekend your mind will be firmly on fun and games. Don’t be afraid to “go with the flow,” but definitely keep an eye on the home front in case something there suddenly demands your attention.


Opportunities for miscommunication abound this week, particularly when it comes to your personal finances. Double-check your funds and your budget and make sure you’re not forgetting anything. Work matters might also start demanding more of your attention this week, and communication will be at the heart of that as well. Take extra pains to reach out to your colleagues when you have any doubts about what needs doing and who should be doing it.


If you’ve been keeping track of your income and expenditures, and sticking to a reasonable budget, this week should pose few challenges. If not, well…get ready to pull an “all-nighter” to sort things out around mid-week. In lighter news, the next few weeks will be excellent for communication and short trips. If you’ve been waiting for the “right time” to send that email or put in for a promotion, this could be the week to do it.


Money and relationships are the likely themes for this week, and for the next several weeks, to be honest. If you’re normally on top of your personal finances, you should be able to meet any challenges which come up. If not, then you seriously need to watch how much you spend right now. This will be especially true if other life circumstances have you feeling “boxed in” or “low.” This is a really bad time to indulge in “retail therapy.” Avoid any expensive nights out in favor of as much “Netflix and chill” as you can get your hands on. (Do the kids still use that phrase? Am I still hip?)


If you’ve been feeling down or stuck in a rut lately, have I got good news for you! By the end of this week you might feel a bit torn and frayed, but you should bounce right back and be ready for a wonderful weekend. Hang out with friends, get intimate with a partner, or even just stay home and absolutely destroy all of those little chores or tasks that have been piling up. Pretty much any way you choose to let off some steam is going to come through for you in a big way. The only real risk here is overdoing it, but if you pay attention to the signals your body is sending you, you should be fine.


If you’ve been spending most of your energy on trying to “get ahead,” or otherwise exhausting yourself chasing after your hopes and dreams, chill out. This is a great week to just get everything into a steady state so you can take the weekend off. Hang out with friends, have some fun, or engage with a creative hobby you’ve been ignoring. Following through on your ambition and plans is great, but sometimes you really do need to take a break. Also? Keep an eye out for opportunities to make new friends. Someone special might enter your life this week.


A crisis at work may take a lot of your time and energy this week, but once the dust settles it will be a really good time to re-evaluate your life direction and plans for the future. Spend some time with a good book, or take some quiet time with a partner, especially if you’ve been feeling more melancholy than usual. This weekend could be a great time to get some work done around the house, particularly any short, simple tasks which will give you that quick “dopamine hit” when you finish them.


If you’re in school, or you have to be on the road this week, be extra cautious in your planning. Expect the unexpected and anticipate some last-minute disruption. If you block out more time than you think you’ll need, you should be OK. By the end of the week, things should settle down, and career or work matters should be looking up. The next few weeks have the potential to be awesome for your vocation, especially if you work in a field related to communication.


If you’re in a long-term relationship, plan on spending a lot of time talking with your partner this week. Money, travel, home life–pretty much everything could be up for discussion. Times like this can be quite stressful, but they can also clear away a lot of lingering issues and make room for bliss in the future. Take the weekend to consider your education, plan an extended vacation, or just relax with a good book.

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